Leica R-Lenses
by Erwin Puts
September 2003
Chapter 3: 180 mm and 280 mm lenses
__ LEICA APO-ELMARIT-R 180 mm f/2.8
__ LEICA APO-TELYT-R 280 mm f/4
Leica R-Lenses
Chapter 3
__ LEICA APO-ELMARIT-R 180 mm f/2.8
In 1975 Leitz Canada designers computed the 180 mm f/3.4
Apo-Telyt-R lens for scientific purposes that required a very
high information content. It is a seven-element system with four
groups, corrected for the infrared region and it performs best at
infinity. At the same time Canon introduced a new 300 mm
f/2.8 lens with synthetically grown fluorite crystals, a solution
that Leitz did not wish to use.
markable. In addition, the ergonomics were no longer state-of-
the-art as more and more companies introduced internal focu-
In 1998 Leica introduced the new 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R,
a system that can be described as "Return of the Empire".
The price ratio to the 50 mm Summicron now became 3.5:1,
just as it was in the thirties.
With the 180 mm f/3.4 Apo-Telyt-R, Leitz offered a high perfor-
mance lens that undoubtedly inspired a friendly competition
with other prominent companies. Reduction of the weight of
lenses was the primary concern and goal as such lenses grew
in popularity for hand-held photography in available light. Sub-
sequently, new lenses were introduced: in 1977 (180 mm f/4
Elmar-R) and in 1980 a new computation was made for the 180
mm f/2.8 lens.
A lens with the focal length of 280 mm for the Visoflex system
was introduced in 1961, and in 1970 a 250 mm lens was intro-
duced for the Leica R-system.
Both versions offered commendable but not top performances.
The same challenge of optimal weight, high performance and
short near focusing distance existed here as it did with the 180
mm focal length, and the first computations by leitz were not
entirely convincing.
For a short period there was a choice of three 180mm lenses
(f/4, f/3.4 and f/2.8) that were close in price: in relation to the
standard 50 mm f/2 Summicron-R lens the ratio was: 2.4:1,
2.9:1 and 3:1.
This changed abruptly with the introduction in 1984 of the 280
mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R, an outstandingly good performer with
internal focusing and a weight of almost three kilograms (6.6
pounds). These characteristics required the use of a tripod and
they restricted the lens to static photography. With a price ratio
of 10.6:1, it was not a lens for the normal Leica user.
The second version of the 180 mm f/2.8 Elmarit-R lens could
not outperform the 180 mm f/3.4 Apo-Telyt-R lens. And the
shortest focusing distance of 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) was unre-
Leica R-Lenses
Chapter 3
__ LEICA APO-TELYT-R 280 mm f/4
In 1993 the 280 mm f/4 Apo-Telyt-R was introduced. Perfor-
mance was improved, especially in the outer zones; the weight
was reduced to 1875 grams (66.1 ounces) and the price ratio of
4.8:1 was much better.
We can explain this with a small experiment:
Let us photograph two objects of the same size that are located
one meter (3.28 feet) from each other at a distance from one
meter (3.28 feet) from the first object.
In terms of performance, both new lenses, the 180 mm f/2.8
Apo-Elmarit-R and the 280 mm f/4 Apo-Telyt-R, are world-class
lenses and they represent the finest examples of the outstan-
ding excellence of the current quality of optical design at Leica
Camera AG.
The second object is then twice as far away from the lens as
the first object. Therefore the second object will be seen and
reproduced at half the viewing angle of the first object.
It will be halved in linear size.
Now we move the camera to a distance of three meters (9.8
feet) from the first object. Now the viewing angle of the second
object is 3/4 of that of the first object.
__ Artistic considerations
The linear magnification is thus 3/4 of that of the first object.
Our brain assumes that large objects are always close to us.
As the second object has 'grown' from 1/2 to 3/4 the size of
the first object, we assume that it must now be closer to that
Both lenses share essentially the same characteristics, but the
strongest visual effects can clearly be seen with the 280 mm
lens. Pictures with these lenses show the classical compressed
image: two cars in a row look as if they collided and many cars
acquire a new wedge shape. Pictures of groups of people look
like the paintings of people by Rembrandt.
This effect explains why telephoto lenses produce a compres-
sed or foreshortened perspective.
Leica R-Lenses
Chapter 3
With these considerations it is possible to create and define the
image effects that you want.
these distances there is a reduction of 1.8x in the luminance of
the negative. The automatic exposure programs of Leica R
cameras compensate for this effect, but when you make a
manual exposure, it is wise to take this into account. The occa-
sionally expressed wish for a true macro lens with a focal
length of 200 mm is practically fulfilled with this combination. A
bit outmoded nowadays, but still useful is the Bellows Attach-
ment BR-2 that allows reproduction ratios of 1:3.3 to 1.2:1.
If the main subject is encircled by objects in the fore- and bak-
kground, you can visually emphasize the relationship between
the subjects and even make it appear as threatening, as is the
case with cars that seem to collide. If the photographer needs
the impression of masses, the selection of subject matter beco-
mes important. Pictures at the beach show the piling up of
beach guests and pictures in shopping centers show the mas-
ses of stacked-up buyers.
The focal length of the 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R lens has
more interesting possibilities than is sometimes assumed. The
subject area runs from portrait and children photography to
landscape photography and from theatre- to fashion photogra-
phy and reportage. The ergonomics are excellent, its functions
are very smooth because of internal focusing and a new mount
with ball-bearing rotation.
On the other hand, it is also possible to isolate the subject com-
pletely from the surroundings. Wide open, the depth of field is
quite shallow and by adding light and shapes to the composi-
tion we can create very interesting images. The shallow depth
of field is enhanced by the following phenomenon:
A 180 mm lens has a lateral magnification of 3.6x compared to
a standard lens. The subject is enlarged 3.6 times in its height
and width dimensions. But what happens to the third dimen-
sion: depth? The optical laws tell us that the axial magnification
(the depth) is the square of the lateral magnification. The depth
magnification is now 12.96x. In photographic practice we see
this as an abrupt change in the unsharpness gradient. The cir-
cles of confusion are also enlarged! This effect is not related to
the so-called ‘bo-ke’ effect. Both lenses (180 and 280 mm) have
a somewhat granular unsharpness plane, without destroying
the subject outlines in the out-of-focus areas.
With an Apo-Extender-R 2x the focal length becomes 360mm.
This is within the range of the 280 mm f/4 Apo-Telyt-R that was
introduced in 1993 and that to this day still delivers the best
image quality of all Leica R lenses, with the possible exception
of the 400 mm f/4 module lens.
This lens has somewhat higher contrast in the center of the
image, but it is not so good at the comers and in the outer zonal
areas. The 280 mm lens however, is usable as a hand-held lens.
You should not be misled by the old rule of thumb that tells you
that the slowest speed for handheld photography is the recipro-
cal of the focal length. When taking pictures with the 280 mm
lens, a shutter speed of 1/250 will often suffice for good quali-
ty images and sometimes even for sharp pictures. If the highest
quality is required, a tripod is a must. With the 280 mm lens,
extremely fine texture details can be captured at longer distan-
ces. A person can be photographed filling the entire negative
area at a distance of 14 meters (46 feet). Perhaps the following
is a more impressive example: with the 280 mm lens you can
capture a 5x7 mm section of a full negative photographed with
a 50 mm lens. This is a very small segment and it is an indica-
tion of the many possibilities of this lens.
An image point always has a certain extension or radius that
looks like a small circle or disc of light. If the radius is small
enough, the eye will interpret it as a point. The largest circle
that is seen as a point is called the circle of confusion and its
diameter is 0.03 mm on the negative.
The superb performance of the 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R
permits the unrestricted use of the Macro-Adapter-R. We can
obtain a reproduction ratio of 1:3 with excellent quality. At
LEICA APO-ELMARIT-R 180 mm f/2.8
Picture: Erwin Puts
Leica R-Lenses
Chapter 3
Atmospheric turbulence and heat waves can destroy the image
quality at these large magnifications and one needs a skylight
filter with color film and a medium orange filter with black-and-
white film.
For the first time, chromatic aberrations (color fringes) could
be reduced to negligible amounts. Multi-layer coating was used
sparingly, as these layers often create more problems than they
solve. Especially with strongly curved surfaces and with glasses
with high refractive indices, a uniform thickness over the entire
surface could not be guaranteed.
The discussion often arises as to whether a lens can be too
sharp, a question that is certainly relevant for both of these
lenses. In many discussions, sharpness and contrast are seen
as the destroyers of subtle tonal values.
It seemed impossible, but with the 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R
lens, image quality was improved significantly. With seven ele-
ments in five groups, its design is totally different from that of
the 180 mm f/3.4 lens, also with seven elements in four
This idea is associated with the effects of gradation of films
and papers. A steep gradation of a film or a paper with a high
contrast will accentuate small differences in brightness and
also reduce the number of tonal shades of the overall tonal
range. But these properties cannot be transferred to the optical
sharpness or modulation transfer.
Any lens should generate an accurate image of the subject.
Every detail (subject outline, textural detail, tonal value) is a
composition of very small point images of different brightness.
If we have a lens that is free from aberrations, every point will
be reproduced on film exactly as it is in the real world.
A lens with optical aberrations will reproduce these points with
some blur and the small differences in brightness will also be
diffused. The better the lens, the more accurate the image
reproduction and the finer the brightness differences that we
can discern.
The 280 mm f/4 Apo-Telyt-R lens can be combined quite effec-
tively with the Macro-Adapter-R. Then you can take pictures at
a distance of one meter (3’ 3 3/8”) from small animals that do
not let you approach too closely, like frogs. You may even com-
bine the Macro-Adapter-R and the Apo-Extender-R. This is also
true for the 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R lens.
Maximum quality is already reached at full aperture. From the
center to the edge of the image, a resolution of extremely fine
details with high micro-contrast is ensured. Especially with
fashion- and beauty photography, where hyper-realistic images
are required, these lenses are ideal. From a lens tester’s point
of view, the 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R lens is not a challen-
ging lens: there is hardly a point to criticize! Thanks to its floa-
ting element design, performance in the close-up range is
You might even use two Macro-Adapters together.
The only recommendation I can give is to be willing to experi-
ment and investigate which combination best suits your needs.
__ Optical considerations
The basic design of a telephoto lens consists of a converging
front lens with a positive focal length and a diverging second
lens with a negative focal length. The main optical problems
with telephoto lenses are distortion (solved quite early), secon-
dary spectrum and the longitudinal chromatic errors.
The first 180 mm lenses from Leitz had five elements in four
groups. Their design was derived from the 135 mm lenses. A
low number of elements reduced flare, but it also limited the
optical correction a bit. Chromatic correction was not optimal
and overall contrast was on the low side. Image quality was
quite good, especially because now one needed a lower magni-
fication of the negative. The breakthrough came with the 180
mm f/3.4 Apo-Telyt-R lens, a design that used new types of
optical glass.
Leica R-Lenses
Chapter 3
Flare and secondary images are absent and specular highlights
in the blazing sun are free from halo effects.
Aperture Stop 2.8
Vignetting may be visible under critical circumstances (wide
open), but it is eliminated at f/5.6.
Aperture Stop 5.6
Distortion amounts to 1% in the comers and may be visible
when one photographs geometric figures (architectural details)
near the edges of the negative.
Aperture Stop 8.0
12 15 18
The high level of correction of the current 180 mm lens can be
seen in the MTF graphs. The f/2.8 aperture delivers the best
performance, it might be improved a bit at f/4, but at f/5.6 you
already see a small reduction in contrast, which is even more
pronounced at f/8.
Leica R-Lenses
Chapter 3
The diverging curves at 40 Lp/mm for sagittal and tangential
lines is of no relevance in practical photography. This reduction
in contrast can only be computed; it is not visible in real life.
This behavior indicates that the lens earns highest scores for
color correction. The ‘APO’ designation is well deserved. We
should explain this once again: there is no universally accepted
definition for apochromatic correction.
When the secondary spectrum is small and/or when three
wavelengths focus (almost) on one plane, the ‘APO’ designation
is appropriate. The question now is: How do the other wave-
lengths behave and how does the shape of the secondary spec-
trum look as a whole.
The 180 mm f/3.4 Apo-Telyt-R lens is at its optimum at f/5.6,
implying that there are some residual aberrations that disappe-
ar when the lens is stopped down. The often asked question as
to which of these lenses is the best has an easy answer: up to
an aperture of f/4, the Apo-Elmarit-R is the best and more so at
the close-focus range. From f/5.6 both lenses are equal at infi-
nity. But the higher overall correction of the Apo-Elmarit-R
yields images with a crisper and tighter effect.
The 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R lens can be focused beyond
the infinity mark (as the 280 mm lens can as well). This is inten-
tional in order to accommodate heat expansion and it is not
designed for searching the best infinity position. There is
nothing beyond infinity and the true infinity mark is optically
and mechanically fixed by the factory.
12 15 18
The telephoto ratio is 0.74 (Focal length/physical length) and
close to that of the 180 mm lens:
A protective filter, positioned in front of the lens, is part of the
optical design and computation.
The possible fear that the filter might reduce the optical perfor-
mance is not justified. As with the 180 mm lens, optimum opti-
cal performance is already reached at full aperture. Microfine
textural details are reproduced with high edge sharpness and
micro contrast, the clarity of the colors and tonal gradation are
exemplary and give the image a special depth impression.
The MTF graphs show superb results and are hardly distinguis-
hable from those of the 180 mm lens.
The 280 mm f/4 Apo-Telyt-R lens has a strong family resem-
blance to the 180 mm lens. Here too, seven elements are used,
now in six groups (the first cemented group is separated). Dis-
tortion and vignetting of the two lenses are almost identical.
Leica R-Lenses
Chapter 3
Even so, the optical quality of the 280 mm lens is higher. Here
we can detect the limit of the MTF graphs when we restrict our-
selves to 40 Lp/mm as the highest frequency. There are sound
arguments for this limit, but when dealing with very high perfor-
mance lenses, the information may not be as we want it to be.
The 280 mm f/4 Apo-Telyt-R lens is one of the every few lenses
that is truly diffraction-limited. This means that the optical
aberrations are so small that the size and shape of the image
point is governed solely by physical laws. The absolute limit can
be found at 450 Lp/mm. The most amazing feature is the follo-
wing: a contrast value of 50% for 50 Lp/mm is the normal limit
for high quality 35 mm photography.
Aperture Stop 4.0
The 280 mm f/4 Apo-Telyt-R lens delivers a resolution of 150
Lp/mm with 50% contrast. Often the lower limit for usable con-
trast is set at 20%. At this value this lens still delivers an out-
standing 300 Lp/mm.
The big question is: how do we obtain this performance on the
Aperture Stop 5.6
__ High-resolution photography
Let us make it clear from the start. Under practical circumstan-
ces, we can achieve a visible and usable resolution of more
than 150 Lp/mm on microfilm (Agfa Copex and Kodak Techni-
cal Pan).
At first sight this may appear to be a bit disappointing. But 150
Lp/mm are 300 separate lines in one millimeter and that
means that every single line has a width of 0.003 mm – an
exceedingly small number!
Between two black lines there is a single white separation of a
mere 0.003 mm in width. The smallest halo caused by the lens
or by the grain in the emulsion, will reduce that separation line
to a dark gray one, making the difference between black and
white disappear. The same holds for the slightest movement of
camera or subject.
Aperture Stop 8.0
Occasionally you will read about film emulsions that are capa-
ble of resolving 700 Lp/mm or more in normal photographic
situations (film-lens combination). In this case we have a line
width of less than 0.0007 mm and that is minute in the extre-
me. But these theoretical claims are not so important because
the results have never been seen or documented.
The 280 mm f/4 Apo-Telyt-R, which has a theoretical (i.e. com-
puted) resolving power of 450 Lp/mm (depending on the wave-
length that is being used), can resolve 250 Lp/mm with a con-
trast of 50%, of which approximately 150 Lp/mm can actually
be recorded on film. The 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R has
values that are a bit lower.
Leica R-Lenses
Chapter 3
You will have to find subjects that have extremely fine details to
start with, and then you must take pictures at quite a large
distance, because you need a high value of negative magnifica-
tion, and then you must enlarge the tiny negative to big propor-
tions. This places the imaging chain under heavy strain.
from sandbags to bricks attached to the tripod in order to redu-
ce vibrations. I used weights placed on the body and on the
front part of the lens in order to eliminate the tremors.
This may sound very elaborate. It may be partly so, but with
some experience it becomes a natural habit in high-resolution
photography. Without specific experiments, you will never
master the imaging chain. I wish to dispel the impression that
this type of photography is as easy as shooting from the hip.
But it is not a big problem either. Leica camera bodies and len-
ses are not the weakest links in the chain. And it is very gratify-
ing to discover details in projected images or in big prints that
you never knew were there in the first place!
For example: I use a subject that consists of a black-and-white
line pattern with line widths of 0.25 mm. The pattern has a
resolution of 2 Lp/mm. I need a negative magnification of 100x
to get a resolution of 200x on the negative. Using my 280 mm
lens, the distance to the subject will be 28 meters (92 feet).
But that positions me so far away from the subject that I cannot
even see the pattern! To achieve an accurate focus I affixed the
pattern to a large piece of white cardboard with a big black line
on it for easy focusing. It is too optimistic to assume that all
my problems have now been solved.
You will get the best performance of around 150 Lp/mm with
Agfa Copex exposed at a film speed of ISO 12 to 16 and proces-
sed in Spur Nanospeed developer, or Kodak Technical Pan
exposed at a film speed of ISO 20 to 25 and processed in Spur
Dokuspeed developer. There are no secret tricks here: just
develop according to normal practice. With Agfa Rodinal devel-
oper you will have to experiment: at a dilution of 1:50, you will
get quite a steep gradation. And users have reported very good
results at dilutions of 1:100 and even 1:300 (this maybe a
secret tip!).
The focusing on the viewfinder screen is performed visually,
with the eye being the final judge, but the eye is easily fooled!
Therefore you have to bracket your focus by making several
exposures with a slightly shifted focus in both directions from
the original focus. The amount of that shift is a matter of expe-
rience: I would suggest that you begin with one or two millime-
ters at a time. The accuracy of Leica R8 or R9 cameras can be
taken for granted! If errors occur, they will be human errors.
Cable release, mirror lock-up and fast shutter speeds are fun-
damental requirements. A shutter speed of 1/30 second, even
on a heavy tripod, is not the best solution, it may even be hope-
Up to 110/120 Lp/mm can be achieved with ISO 100 slide
films from Fuji (Velvia, Velvia 100F, Astia 100F) and Kodak
(E100G/GX). The advantage here is the higher film speed.
Current ISO 100 black-and-white films can deliver up to 100
Lp/mm and slightly more with dedicated developers and speed
settings (often ISO 64 and 50). Recommendations are not easy,
because every worker has his or her own methods and devel-
oper solutions. You need a developer that has a low amount of
sulfite. The formulas from noted experts like Beutler, Windisch,
Cyril Blood or Crawley (FXl) are good starting points.
The lens mount of the 280 mm lens has a built-in tripod socket,
which is a necessity. But camera- and lens-induced vibration
frequencies cannot be avoided (this involves thousandths of a
millimeter). Experienced wildlife photographers use everything
LEICA APO-TELYT-R 280 mm f/4
Picture: Martin Trippen
Leica R-Lenses
Chapter 3
__ Summary
In the roaring twenties there was a 540 SSK Mercedes Benz
sports car with a turbo-charged engine.
The turbo charger could only be used for a few minutes, other-
wise it would overheat the engine. But the driving experience
was breathtakingly exilarating.
Both the 180 mm f/2.8 Apo-Elmarit-R and the 280 mm f/4
Apo-Telyt-R Leica lenses offer superior image quality plus that
special turbo-feeling and sensation, not for just a few minutes,
but always and everywhere!
These lenses are eminently suited for the type of photography
where you need to capture every possible detail and when you
wish to explore the limits of analog emulsions. As with the afo-
rementioned sports car, you do not always have to use the
turbo. The optical performance is superb even with high-speed
films (the grain will be tight and compact because the small
image points will not cause flare or halo in the grain pattern).
Hand-held pictures will preserve the high overall contrast and
the reproduction of finely graded colors and tonal values. You
may compare it with music with a final sound that is composed
of many frequencies and a wide dynamic range.
There are some very high and some very low frequencies that
you cannot hear, but they are required for the character of the
sound. This is comparable to what happens in optical phenome-
na. Good MTF values at the very high frequencies are a must
for a high contour sharpness at the lower frequencies.
If you have not yet experienced image-making with current slide
films and these superb Leica lenses, you should really do so.
Photography with a ‘turbo’ effect will open up a whole new
world for you!
LEICA APO-TELYT-R 280 mm f/4
Picture: Martin Trippen
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